Fighting Parkinson’s Disease with Exercise and Diet
Tuesday, 09 Apr 2024 00:00 am


For everyone with Parkinson's disease, staying strong and well is essential. According to research, adopting specific lifestyle changes can assist you in achieving two crucial objectives:

The Role of Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet enhances overall health and increases your capacity to manage disease symptoms. The key to last energized and commonly healthful is to consume an abundance of nutritious ingredients, together with culmination and veggies, lean protein, beans and lentils, and complete grains, and to stay hydrated. Having stated that, there are a few unique factors to recollect.

The Role of Exercise

Denise Padilla-Davidson, a physical therapist at Johns Hopkins who treats patients with Parkinson's disease, believes that exercise has the biggest influence on the progression of the condition. "Movement can actually slow the progression of the disease," she explains, emphasizing exercises that promote balance and reciprocal patterns, which call for cooperation of both sides of the body. What you should know is as follows: